Still having found what I’m looking for…

Still sending resumes out hoping to find ‘the one’.

The one place where my vet tech skills can be put to use in an environment that nurtures my inquisitive vet medical mind.  I realized searching for ‘the place’ is akin to finding the elusive soulmate, the needle in the haystack, the four leaf clover, the leprechaun with the pot of gold, the…enough. I would probably have better luck finding those items than ‘the place’.

Still, I persevere strongly, believing that this profession is not comprised solely of severely damaged people. Damaged in terms of losing focus on the animals and teching just for a paycheck or losing the empathy needed at times to make a difference in how an animal or its owner feels, or worse case scenario, suffering from mental illness and addictions.

I rarely cry at euthanasia’s and if I do, it’s alone, by myself in a separate room.

I know better now.

Having heard the bull of, “Oh, its okay to cry. Clients feel better “ , from co-workers and doctors I learned, you are, judged, as weak, for feeling, worse yet, crying.

Was the career transition worth it? Worth the loss of the salary, insurance and routine Mon-Fri paper pushing bull?


I have faith and from talking to others who are aligned with my attitude towards medicine and making a difference, the dream job does exist.

You just have to go through a lot of horse sh** until the manure collected in bins along the way is finally put to good use as fertilizer from hence flowers and vegetables flourish.

Go figure.

Cytology pix

Red blood cells under the microscope

Red blood cells under the microscope

Bacteria infection from ear swab.

Bacteria infection from ear swab.

Neutrophils-White blood cells (WBC)

Neutrophils-White blood cells (WBC)

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