
Apology-a a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure

An apology is hereby put forth for not keeping up with posts about Sundays at the Clinic.

There are no excuses except to say that Sundays at the Clinic has turned into Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays at the Clinic due to a co-workers medical problems. This translates into no work for her and fill-in days for me. It also means jumping into the fire without the proper goggles, extinguisher, gear and the how-to-manual.

For the month of September I have worked my normal Sunday days which consists of examination restraints, filling prescriptions, taking care of medical and non-medical boarders, cleaning, re-stocking, the occasional euthanasia and the rare surgical procedure (feeding tube replacement, matted fur removal etc.).

Mondays and Tuesdays are surgical days-mainly dental cleanings/extractions, neutering and spays with the occasional fatty tissue growth removals as well as examination restraints, walking, feeding, cleaning kennels of medical and non-medical boarders, prescription re-fills, x-rays, sonograms and general going ons.

I am still uncomfortable with surgical procedures such as: anesthesia monitoring and application, ‘rolling the vein’ for catherers, surgery cbc’s, scrubbing, shaving, eye lubricants, oxygen, strapping the animal to the exam table, weighing the exhaust cannisters, monitering oxygen and vital signs-just about everything dealing with surgery!

My confidence level is at a low and it’s affected by the way the vets react when I’m in surgery with them. No confidence on my part equals no confidence in me on their part.


I’ve been on the job, part-time for three months coming from an administrative background.

I am a newbie…

Rome, Greece, Botswana, Honduras or Jamaica wasn’t built in a day, so don’t expect me to become super vet technician in three months with minimal training!

Enough said.

Time for pictures and hopefully Sundays at the Clinic will return to Sundays only with time to learn the job slowly and correctly.

Doggie Dental and Growth removal-Catherer inserted and waiting for Ketamine and Valium before anesthesia

Doggie Dental and Growth removal-Catherer inserted and waiting for Ketamine and Valium before anesthesia

Feline Spay in progress

Feline Spay in progress

Feline Spay-under anesthesia, in prep for shave and scrub

Feline Spay-under anesthesia, in prep for shave and scrub

At times, a non-medical boarder gets on our nerves

At times, a non-medical boarder gets on our nerves

Sheba-up for adoption and adopted!

Sheba-up for adoption and adopted!

Feeling a connection with Libby and trying to distract her with treats during expressions and LRS fluids

Feeling a connection with Libby and trying to distract her with treats during expressions and LRS fluids


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