All in a day’s work…

Classwork, housework, life and obsessive playing of Candy Crush, has left little time for writing. My Sundays have turned into ‘fill in’ Fridays, Saturdays and Tuesdays but starting next week, I’m back to Sundays- by choice.

Working more than one day at a time at the clinic leaves me physically exhausted from the stair climbing, dog walking, laundry washing, folding and mopping, restraining, etc. I plan on increasing my excercise activity level in order to build endurance.

But in the meantime…some pix.

Mama cat went home with owner to have kittens-not sure of the outcome.

Mama cat went home with owner to have kittens-not sure of the outcome.

'Luke', a shy rottweiler and regular boarder does his business in the backyard

‘Luke’, a shy rottweiler and regular boarder does his business in the backyard


A chair I rarely sit in

A chair I rarely sit in

Pharmacy area, lunch area, Libby's day bed area-yep aseptic control out the window!

Pharmacy area, lunch area, Libby’s day bed area-yep aseptic control out the window!

Medical boarders in exam/operating room

Medical boarders in exam/operating room

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